The menacing growl of push rod muscle captured my attention as I strolled down Laurel the other day. My head on a swivel, I quickly discovered the beast that bore the grumble.
It has been a mysteriously Star Wars'y day on the internet for me. Yoda talk on twitter, and some vids on facebook got me reminiscing about that galaxy far far away. I remember the first time I watched this Star Wars Fan Fiction film I did not even notice its horrible quality, so it must have been one helluva long time ago, cause it looks like womprat turd.
There's a behind the scenes video but close as I could get was this muted youtube clip.In the original behind the scenes they mention the dumb toy they used for the droid, and how they were mad they couldn't find a isolated-enough dessert/dry lake bed to not have mountains in the background. "Troops" considers one of the most important fan fiction films, and certainly one of the most in Star Wars lore, and I think rightfully so. It also is considered one of the pioneers of the whole "viral video" phenomenon, as it existed only in nerdfull convention shows, listervs and other associated geekcaves before hitting it big on the copper screen (youtube). Few words from the creators after the grapevine.
As we already posted before, The Beastie Boys new music video "Make Some Noise" features an ensemble cast of celebrities and references almost every music video they ever made. See how many celebrities you cant count; seeing Steve Buscemi made my day. Well here is the 30-minute version (sorry its a Hulu video):
Apparently photo shop want enough and this guy had to go and implement IRL k-9 powered extreme sports.
Shoutout to the dope guy @ 3:03 with the Eclipse on the street and the 240 in the driveway. His neighbor with the red 300 Datusin aint bad either. Creddit.
I was having a bit of a nostalgia attack, after I spotted a Disney movie doppleganger in one of Vice Studios Facebook albums. I couldn't quite place my finger on which angst filled teen movie the doppelgangers legitimate form had starred it. After a quick gym sesh it hit me like a Brink wall.
Donald Glover aka DongLover aka Childish Gambino stays indulging in the spontaneous party creator known as twitter. Something he really seems to enjoy.
Looks pretty HA HA He he. I will probably always listen for RAAAAAAAANDY when I see Aziz . I can't decide if it's cooler than its based on a true story, or that they didn't' mention it.
EagleLies just posted what may be the dopest music video ever to be created. Here is the 'trailer' to the video, or what they call Fight For Your Right - Revisited. They need to make this a 90-minute movie.
After trying unsucessfully to locate a fried oreo at the "intercultura" festival in Monroe Park today, I got to thinking about sweets. And lurking. This is a cool dog. I have yet to have one as they are sold almost exclusively in New England. I shot them an email long before they listed the first half dozen Yankee shops to hold them. Still holding out that harriss teeter picks em up for distrubution. Its bascicly a ice cream tube slapped between two sponge cakes. Apply your own toppings/condiments.
Traci Lords is by far and away the most famous child porn actress. Initially posing in an issue of Penthouse at the age of 15, she would go on to be in 21 films, with extra footage being cut into nearly 100. Its widely speculated that she didn't admit her lies and deception until her 18th year rolled over. She then immediately informed the police of the widely distributed kitty porn available at every XXX shop across the country. They brought swift justice to the swindled companies, and the tapes were pulled off shelves and immediately hidden for later craigslist profit.
This viral video actor, stand up comic(vid after the jump), sitcom actor has been churning out goodness for months. His most recent all of the lights-cover-remix absolutely blew me away. His Ask Me Anything thread on reddit wasn't bad either. Break by Fresh On Campus
The following is our experience the night of April 2nd, 2011. We spent a long night on the dirty streets of Richmond, VA immediately following a very well contested VCU vs But(fuck)ler game.
It started harmlessly enough with some recreational fireworks. The chopper made sure to stay at a healthy alttitude.
I've been traveling with that Canon hunk of ameataur photography gold since the leaves turned now, and I've been putting it to good use. Mostly catching worthless Facebook photos, but also of some delectable local rides. Decided this might be a better place to lay them rest than my hard drive. Up first is a sleak and clean Fourth Gen Flame Chicken.
We are all aware the uprising of Odd Future and the beat making prowess of Tyler, the Creator. He's entered the league of very few MC's who make their own beats, yet are you aware of his other work? Check out these tracks by fellow Wolfgangers BrandUn DeShay and Casey Veggies.