Sunday, December 19, 2010

Skinsnation, Austin City Pimpin

I understand that teams have bad games, bad weeks, bad seasons. Maybe even a couple of rough years. Usually those teams are broke, stupid, and/or unlucky. We've got Snyder money, and have had a string of capable staff/coaches. Were a hop, skip, and fumble away from polishing off a pretty wretched DECADE! At least we can look back at this season and remember that sense of hope when McNabb was coming. Or beating Dallas (once, at home). Or when we got to be the special guests on The Mike Vick Show. Maybe we should stick away from Quaterbacks that are named after soup, or that keep eating it with their moms.

People are always telling me Austin is a cool as city in a crazy State that has a really fun beard. Ghostland Observatory are definately helping me believe in some Austin-Awsomeness

Credit to Katie Partlow for getting me hipper than a phone clip.

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